Oleksandr Parshakov

Legacy Projects

CIFAR-10 Image Classification with Deep Learning


Summary: This project explores deep learning for a computer vision task on the CIFAR-10 dataset, a standard benchmark for 10-class image classification. The project proceeds in two phases. The initial phase involves experimenting with a basic Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) containing just two convolutional layers using ReLU and Sigmoid activations, followed by experiments with Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs), to demonstrate the importance of convolutional layers for image data and the relative performance of different activation functions. This initial CNN achieved only 63% accuracy. The second phase focuses on developing a more complex CNN architecture, drawing inspiration from VGG-style networks in terms of depth and filter sizes, with the goal of exceeding 80% accuracy on a personal computer equipped with a single GPU. By incorporating techniques like batch normalisation and multi-scale convolutional filters, the final model achieved 88% accuracy on the CIFAR-10 test set, surpassing the initial goal and demonstrating the effectiveness of the chosen approach within the given resource constraints.

GitHub repo: github.com/lzrdGreen/Models-for-CIFAR-10

Relevant skills: Python, PyTorch, Scikit-Learn, matplotlib, numpy, pandas

Loss for training and validaion sets

Loss for training and validaion sets.

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Application of BERT, a Transformer-based language model, to check the correctness of a sentence in English

(September 2021)

Summary: This project tackled the challenge of grammatical error detection in English using Natural Language Processing (NLP) by fine-tuning a pre-trained BERT model with the CoLA dataset. The implementation was completed on a personal computer with a single GTX 1070 GPU, demonstrating the accessibility of advanced NLP techniques without requiring high-performance computing clusters. By validating the model's performance on real-world examples, the project showcased BERT's potential for nuanced linguistic tasks, contributing to understanding fine-tuning techniques and paving the way for practical applications like grammar checkers and language learning tools.

GitHub repo: English Grammar Tester

Relevant skills: Python, PyTorch, Scikit-Learn, matplotlib, numpy, pandas

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